Nuchims, Peter
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Peter Nuchims
"For many of us this is a time of uncertainty. Because of COVID19 many of our usual rules and regulations have been suspended.
But one thing should remain true: We still hold ourselves accountable for proper academic behavior. When times get tough, we still should expect the best from each other, as students, teachers and administrators.
Students, this is a reminder that while we are not physically in school, the same rules of academic honesty and integrity still apply.
As a learning community we are still responsible for our academic behavior even when we complete our assignments through remote learning.
Remember: If you copy another student's answers, you are cheating.
If you put your name on someone else's project you are cheating.
You are expected to be honest, whether you are sitting in a classroom at school, or whether you are sitting at your computer screen at home.
If you do quote form someone else's writing, remember to properly cite your sources, to avoid plagiarism.
If you take a phrase or a sentence from an online source, you are plagiarizing if you don't properly credit the original writer.
While Google and other online sites may offer helpful explanations, your own written responses should reflect your own thoughts, words and phrases.
Online sites are not a shortcut for handing in your own original work.
Plagiarism is cheating. Copying another student's work is cheating. This is the time to show yourself at your best.
Complete your own assignments, and be proud of your own honest work."
Moving forward, I will be using Microsoft Teams assign and collect class assignments.
Period 1 Students: Please join my Teams page for your class with this link: CLICK HERE
Period 4 Students: Please join my Teams page for your class with this link: CLICK HERE
Period 6 Students: Please join my Teams page for your class with this link: CLICK HERE
Period 7 Students: Please join my Teams page for your class with this link: CLICK HERE
Period 8 Students: Please join my Teams page for your class withthis link: CLICK HERE
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