Students in all grades will receive class instruction from 8:40 a.m. daily. Teachers in all grades plan their lessons based on the needs of each of their students as demonstrated on the child’s New York State test scores, report cards, MAP scores and information from the child’s previous teachers. Please note that classroom instruction has been designed to assist your child in improving both academically and socially and will be aligned to meet the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) as identified by New York State. The NGLS is geared toward providing every child with college and career readiness. College and Career Readiness can be defined as “the level of preparation a student needs to enroll and succeed without remediation-in a credit-bearing general education course at a postsecondary institution that offers a baccalaureate degree or transfer to a baccalaureate program, or in a high-quality certificate program that enables students to enter a career pathway with potential future advancement.”