Classroom instruction begins for our students at 8:35 a.m. Students who would like to eat breakfast should arrive to the school cafeteria between 8:15-8:30 a.m. All bus students will have the opportunity to receive breakfast when their bus arrives.


    In order to ensure that the school building is secure at all times we ask that parents plan on dropping their children at the assigned entrance each day at 8:35 a.m. School staff members will be available to supervise the children entering the building. Please be reminded that supervision of children is unavailable prior to 8:35 a.m. We ask that you remain with your child in the school yard until the school building opens.


    PK – 5th grade students will enter through the Library.

    **PK -5th grade students should line up in the school yard by their class sign and await to be called into the building. This procedure will be in place for the month of September. If any changes are made, we will notify students, send a Connect Ed to parents, and post on our school webpage**

    Classes 6-10 & 6-11 will line up next to their classroom doors in front of the school on Lee Ave.


    **Bus students will be escorted into the school by Bus Monitor**


    Any parent who would like to meet with an administrator will be invited to do so at 9:15 a.m. once the children are in class. However, it is encouraged that parents make an appointment prior to arriving to the school to ensure that someone is available to meet with them. Parents who wish to speak to an office staff member can enter through the main doors, sign in at the front desk, and report directly to the school’s main office beginning at 8:45 a.m. Please contact your child’s teacher via e-mail if you would like to meet with them. Please check school website for e-mail addresses. Please note parents who have concerns regarding their child should first seek the assistance of their child’s classroom teacher.




    All children will be dismissed from school by 3:15 p.m. If there is a need for your child to be picked up before dismissal, please send a note with your child or an e-mail to kyurcho@yonkerspublicschools.org & krivera@yonkerspublicschools.org. This note is required that morning indicating the time he or she will be picked up and who will be picking the child up. This person must be on the child’s emergency card, must be over the age of eighteen (if picking up during the school day) and must have a picture ID. If an emergency arises and you must pick your child up early, please notify the school office as soon as possible. We will make the needed arrangements to prepare your child. Please note that after 2:30 p.m. children will not be allowed to leave the school building as we are preparing all students for dismissal. This will allow for a safe and orderly dismissal.


    Students in grades Pre-K 20 & Pre-K 23 will dismiss from Pre-K 20 door in the school yard.

    Students in K-18 & K-19 will dismiss from the K-19 classroom door in the school yard.

    Students in 1st grade will be dismissed by the Library.

    Students in 2nd grade will be dismissed at Exit Door 3 on Lee Ave.

    Students in 3rd grade will be dismissed at Exit Door 2 on Lee Ave.

    Students in grades 4 & 5 will be dismissed outside the Kitchen door in the school yard.

    Students in grade 6 will exit from their classroom doors on Lee Ave.

    All students in Pre-K - 3rd grade MUST be signed out!


    **Bus Students will be escorted to their assigned bus by Bus Monitor**