Students must be prepared for class EVERY DAY with:

    • Dedicated CosmoChemistry binder with loose-leaf or dedicated CosmoChemistry spiral notebook.
    • Pen or pencil.
    • Colored pencils
    • Cell phones MAY be used in class for certain class activities ONLY.


    • HW and class work will consist of reading and vocabulary, powerpoints, videos, multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and graphs in addition to assignments using programs, but not limited to, Castle Learning, Nearpod, and CK-12.org.
    • Missed HW and classwork must be made up.


    • Labs are completed in class. 
    • All labs will be stored in students’ lab folder that remains in class the entire year.
    • Incomplete labs will be scored as a ZERO and late labs will lose 10 points for every day late.


    • In person: sign in,
    • Distance on line at home:  sign in on clip board on teacher page before going to teams, mandatory.
    • LATENESS TO CLASS and CUTTING are UNACCEPTABLE. Attendance is always taken at the beginning of the period.
    • Parents/guardians will be contacted for lateness, cutting, or excessive absences from class.


    • Tests consist of multiple choice questions, short answer questions and graphing.
    • Castle Learning is assigned regularly and count as quiz grades.


    • Dedicated CosmoChemistry binder with loose-leaf or dedicated CosmoChemistry spiral notebook.
    • I-Pad (or equivalent) Ear buds (optional)
    • Colored pencils
    • Pen or pencil


    • Exams/Quizzes                           25%
    • Projects                                        25%
    • Labs:                                             25%
    • Classwork/Homework:              25%


    If you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at rnieves@yonkerspublicschools.org.

     The CosmoChemistry Exam will be administered in June. It is made up three parts.

    • Part A includes multiple-choice questions.
    • Part B is made up of a combination of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions,  and reading comprehension.
    • Part C includes essay questions.