Welcome to Mr. Montalvo's Teacher Page!

Phone: (914) 376-8150


Degrees and Certifications:

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Work-Based Learning Coordinator OSHA 10 & 30 Hour Certification Instructor Mr. Montalvo's Class Schedule 10th Grade HVAC 4th Period 10:00-10:45AM 5th Period 10:45-11:30AM 6th Period 11:30-12:15PM 9th Grade HVAC 9th Period 1:45-2:30PM

9th and 10th Grade Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Instructor. Advisor for the Saunders Skills USA chapter.

 Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!

This year will be considerably different from previous ones because of the current Covid 19 situation and the hybrid remote learning model... We're in this together, so I have no doubt we'll figure it all out and emerge successful!

I will be using Microsoft Teams and Nearpod as my main means of delivering instruction to my students with splashes of Youtube and Remind as additional resources . Class assignments can be found via your child's Microsoft Teams page by clicking on my class and looking under the assignments tab. Assignements will also be submitted through there as well. I will be available through email or Remind, Monday - Friday from 7:45AM - 2:30pm for questions and comments. I will do my best to reply to all messages as quickly as possible, even if they are received outside of these hours. I will do my best to assist you all as we transition to this new online learning style. 

teams logo

Microsoft Teams Class Links

10th Grade HVAC Periods 4,5,6

9th Grade HVAC/CFM Period 9


remind logo

Instructions on how to join your Remind class:

Please join your class on Remind, if you haven't already done so. I will be using that and my email to communicate with students. 

9TH Grade HVAC Remind Class, text @bhc33a9 to the number 81010

You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind. Students please put your first and last name when creating your profile.  If you're a parent please put who you are the parent of. (Example: John Doe's Mom)
If anyone has trouble with 81010, try texting @bhc33a9 to (914) 610-7547.

10TH Grade HVAC Remind Class, text @kggk6g8 to the number 81010
You’ll receive a welcome text from Remind. Students please put your first and last name when creating your profile.  If you're a parent please put who you are the parent of. (Example: John Doe's Mom)
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @kggk6g8 to (914) 610-7547.
Please understand that many teachers are just learning to use these sites and webpages for the first time, so please be patient. 

Be safe and take care!

Mr. Montalvo

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