Phone: 914-376-8425
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Vellozzi
Welcome students and families to Riverside High School and my class, Regents Earth Science
Hello Parents & Students
The way I take student attendance is as follows:
I check attendance once during the online/virtual learning. I check during the last 10 minutes of the class period. Students must be logged on for the entire 47 minutes in order to be marked present. Please make sure you are familiar with your class times on TEAMS and are logged on. If in the event you lose the internet, you can easily get onto TEAMS class via your cell phone and using the TEAMS app.
I look forward to seeing everyone in class.
Thank you, Mr. Vellozzi
Students and Parents
Welcome to the 2020-2021 Academic School year at Riverside High School. I look forward to working with all of you and ensuring the success of every student of mine. To access my online class please go to Microsoft TEAMS at the following address/channel/ Class Period:
Mr. Vellozzi's Regents Earth Science Classes at Microsoft TEAMS
See everyone in Class and on time!
Mr. Vellozzi

Students and Parents
Welcome Students & Parents to Mr. Vellozzi's Regents Earth Science class. I understand that we are all experiencing extremely difficult times. As your science teacher I want to assure you that I am here to help and guide you through this difficult time. It is my job to ensure you recieve the best education in the safest environment. To start off the school year we will be using Microsoft TEAMS as our class platform. Scroll down for more information about logging into TEAMS. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me at the email link below.
I want to extend a warm welcome to all my new students this 2020-2021 academic school year. I look forward to meeting all of you at our new virtual classroom, Microsoft TEAMS. In addition I also look forward to teaching you all the amazing things about Planet Earth and content such as Weather, Oceans, Planets and Stars, Maps, Rock and Minerals, Earthquakes and so much more.
Earth Science Activity 1: September 8, 9, & 10
(Be prepared to discuss your answers on Teams)
Directions: Answer each question to the best of your ability based on the image / animation below. Be prepared to share your answers on Microsoft TEAMS during class time.
- What is the image / animation showing?
- What is the name of the yellow object in the center? Is it moving?
- How many objects are moving? What are those objects?
- Can you identify which object you live on? How can you describe the location of where you live in this animation?
- What is the name of the motion these objects are doing? What effect does this motion have on each object?
- What are the small white dots scattered around the entire image?
- Write down 4 observations about this image. { An Observation is done using any of the 5 senses, touch, tase, sight, hear, smell. Ex: The picture is black in the back or, I see things moving.}
- Write down 4 inferences you can make about this image. {An inference is an educated guess based on your observations. Ex: I infer it must be cold because the sky is black.}
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Can you guess which planet this is?

Students, What motion causes us to see the moon change phase?

Students, what is this Earth motion called? Can you think of one major effect it causes?