K-18 Supply List


                                     Kindergarten Supply List          



    Backpack (no wheels)

    2 Folders (name on them)

    2 black/white/red Early Learning Practice Composition Books K-2 sold at staples

    (name on them)  

    4 packs of Dixon/Ticonderoga sharpened #2 pencils (12 pack or 18 pack)

    2 boxes of 24 Crayola crayons

    1 box of Crayola markers (thick broad line)

    5 Elmer’s glue sticks

    1 Fiskar scissor

    1 pump hand sanitizer (name on it)

    1 Lysol or Clorox disinfecting wipes

    1 box of Ziploc bags (girls -Freezer or Gallon bags, boys – sandwich bags)

    1 container of baby wipes

    1 box of tissues

    1 roll of paper towels


    ** A pencil, crayons, glue sticks, scissors (to be kept at home for homework)

    Create a bin or learning space at home to keep all the supplies your child will need to be successful.

    Create a quiet workspace, set a schedule so your child knows what to expect, have all their supplies in one place ready for them.

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