NYS Global History & Geography II Regents Information below:

Phone: 914-376-8118


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Political Science - S.U.N.Y. Oneonta M.S. Urban & Multicultural Education - College of Mount Saint Vincent

Mrs. Nicole Miano

Room 322
Extra Help: Tuesday's (by appt.)

"The more you know about the past the better prepared you are for the future."            - Theodoore Roosevelt


I have been a teacher with Yonkers Public Schools since September 2001.  At Roosevelt, I teach Global History.  When not teaching, I enjoy traveling and spending time with my family.

Teacher Schedule


    Economics & Government - Period 1

    Global History and Geography I - Period 2/3

    Global History and Geography I/II - Periods 6/7



    Ms. Miano's Class Schedule

    Eco/Gov P4  (7:45 - 8:39AM)

    Global Hist.Geo.I P2-P3  (8:43 - 10:19AM)

    Global Hist.Geo.I P6-P7  (12:03 - 1:39PM)