Welcome to Mr. Kryeziu's Page

  • When I am absent, you will be sent a notifcation on Remind of what work to do. 


    This work will be found in your Sub Folder channel of Microsoft Team! 

    Comments (-1)

  • To reach me, sign up to my remind below!
    I also am available by emailing LKryeziu@YonkersPublicSchools.Org



    Try to contact me no later than 7 P.M. 
    Please understand that I will respond as soon as I am able. 


  • Image result for remind


    Text to your class code to the #: 81010

    Global 9: @global1mrk

    Global 10: @global2mrk

  •  Clever on the App Store


    Access Online Assignments through Clever (<click me)

    If you don't know how to login to clever us the following:

    Username: Student ID@yonkerspublicschools.org 

    example: 123456@yonkerspublicschools.org

    Password: student birthdate MM/DD/YYYY

    example: 03182020  


  • Digital Subscriptions

    Castle Learning:

    Currently all your assignments are posted on Castle Learning.

    You can head directly to Castle Learning to log on. 

    You do NOT need to go through Clever!


    How do I login to Castle Learning?

    • Your Castle Learning login is ycsd. + your student ID. 




    Changing your password:

    • If it is your first time logging onto Castle Learning, your initial password is your student ID
    • You will then be prompted to change your password
    • Make sure your password is your initials + your student ID


    Jane Smith



    Forgot your password?

    • Inform me and I will fix it for you