Coach Michael J. Biondi
Welcome Back Students!!!
I hope you are safe and staying healthy.
Period 1 - Phy Ed
Period 3 - Phy Ed
Period 5 - Phy Ed
Period 6 - Phy Ed
Period 7 - Phy Ed
Also, please follow us on our rooseveltsharkspe Instagram account.
Any questions please email me.
Extra Videos
Below are links to some short videos for an at home fitness challange. It is very important to stay active during these times and this is an example of a simple at home exercise that needs minimal space and equipment. Challange youself!
iCJpvXWdL4zpqu9G9 Calves Triceps 1
Close Grip PushUps - Triceps 2
Incline Close Grip PushUps - Triceps 3
Close Grip Decline - Triceps 4
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Degrees and Certifications:
Masters Physical Education
Mr. Michael Biondi
Learning Objectives:
Students will participate regularly in fitness-enhaning physical activity.(Elevate heart rate into target heart rate zone throughout routines)
Students will demonstrate competency in techniques needed to perform a variety of moderate to vigorous physical exericises.
Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behaviors while performing physical activities.
Students will strive to maintain a healthy diet.