English Language Arts/Reading

  • In developing literacy in reading, writing, listening and speaking, the District promotes initiatives that enhance student, staff and parent support across all content areas in all our schools.

    The Language Arts curriculum we have designed empowers students to become independent readers and critical thinkers in preparation for postsecondary studies and the workforce. The language arts curriculum aligns with the Next Generation Learning Standards (NGLS) so that our students are well prepared for the expectations of the State Testing Program and graduation requirements.

    The goal is that our students develop their literacy skills for information and understanding, response and expression, critical analysis and evaluation, and social interaction. In order to achieve our goals and support a fluid and systemic approach to teaching literacy, the district adopted Benchmark Advance/Benchmark Adelante, a Core Literacy Series for the next six years. This comprehensive Language Arts/ Language Development series takes an interdisciplinary approach addressing the needs of all students and prepares them for success in the globally, competitive economy of the 21st century. It provides a differentiated approach to literacy learning that ensures growth for all learners, at-risk and advanced.

    Benchmark Advance/Adelante provides access to the rigorous learning standards and is equipped with a multitude of culturally responsive resources that support differentiated instruction addressing the specific reading levels of our students and their specific learning styles.

    Throughout the school year, all elementary language arts and reading teachers engage in comprehensive professional learning opportunities to support them with the instructional tools while simultaneously building their capacity with the Next Generation Learning Standards. This will ensure that we are fully prepared for the full implementation of the NGLS starting in September 2022 in alignment with the roadmap provided by the NYS Education Department.

    We have proudly implemented a standards-based curriculum PK-12 with a strong focus on student achievement. In grades PK-6, it is a balanced literacy approach and at the secondary level, our students engage with rich novels, texts and required literature to support the curriculum while also meeting the varied literacy needs of our students. Advanced English language arts instruction is offered at selected high schools through Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, College Link and career and college readiness classes.

    Our goal is to develop a love for reading and to read for enjoyment!

  • For further information:

    English Language Arts PK-12, Literacy & Early Childhood
    (914) 376-8275