• To instill greater pride and appreciation for the community in which Yonkers children live and learn, To instill greater pride and appreciation for the community in which Yonkers children live and learn, Mayor Mike Spano and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Edwin M. Quezada conceptualized Yonkers History Day in the fall of 2018. Yonkers educators through the Social Studies Department concretized this mandate as the Yonkers History Project.

    The fourth grade Social Studies curriculum centers on local history offering the ideal platform to showcase quality teaching and learning across the District. While students’ historical inquiry begins at this grade level, it is relevant throughout their education. The study of history and government starts with student investigations of their communities. This is their foundation to understanding worldwide history and government.

    The overarching goal of the Yonkers History Project is for students to conduct historical investigations on the City of Yonkers facilitated by fourth grade teachers. These investigations are curriculum-based and incorporate learning standards in both the New York State Social Studies Framework (2014) and the National C3- College, Career, Civic Life - Social Studies Standards. To direct the students’ inquiry and increase their engagement teachers will use driving questions in learning activities. These driving questions operationalizes the challenge, which is part of the learning plan for students to investigate the history of their city. The annual culminating activity is Yonkers History Day.

    We invite you to enjoy the special booklet commemorating the occasion of the 1st Annual Yonkers History Day on Thursday, May 24, 2019.

Yonkers History Day!