Three Reopening Plans Required by NYSED

  • Yonkers Public School is planning for three possible reopening scenarios for the 2020-2021 school year. Additional details on each scenario are provided below.

    Per NYSED guidance, districts must create a comprehensive plan for a schedule that includes in-person instruction, remote instruction or a hybrid of both in-person and remote. All plans should be clearly communicated, with as much advanced notice as practicable, to students, families and staff.

In-Person Instruction

  • In Person Instruction

    Schools will reopen for all students and instruction will take place inperson at schools.

    • Daily in-person instruction with social distancing protocols based on current New York State Department of Health (DOH) information
    • Alternative plans for medically vulnerable/high-risk groups
    • Plans for health, safety, and screening
    • Scenario contingent upon guidelines outlined by Governor’s office, DOH, New York State Education Department (NYSED) and local government

Hybrid Instruction

  • Hybrid Instruction  

    Students will complete some instruction in-person at school sites and some instruction online.

    • Two groups of students “A” and “B”
    • Each group is receiving inperson instruction at least two consecutive days of the week
    • Flex Day Wednesday will include:
      • Online Remote instruction for All students, except Special Education ICT and selected Multilingual learners who will receive In-Person Supplemental Support
      • Additional Cleaning in all schools
      • Professional Development for staff
    • Alternative plans for medically vulnerable/high-risk groups
    • Plans for health, safety, and screening
    • Scenario contingent upon guidelines outlined by Governor’s office, DOH, New York State Education Department (NYSED) and local government
    • All staff is expected to report to work

Remote Instruction

  • Remote Instruction

    School sites are closed to students and all instruction takes place online.

    • Circumstances require schools to remain closed for in-person instruction
    • All instruction occurs remotely via Microsoft Teams until further notice
    • Scenario contingent upon guidelines outlined by Governor’s office, DOH, New York State Education Department (NYSED) and local government
    • All staff is expected to report to work