Information about High School Coursework and Graduation Requirements



    Some core courses (English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and World Languages) are offered at various levels including Regents, Century Honors, College Link, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate, etc. 

    Regents courses are rigorous courses designed to follow the New York State Regents curricula. 

    Century Honors courses go beyond the Regents curricula with regard to both breadth and depth, and require more independent work on the part of the student.  


    AP (Advanced Placement) courses follow College Board (national) curricula that are designed to engage the student in college work. When a course is at the AP level, this will be indicated in the course title, such as “AP Biology” or “AP U.S. History”. Students in AP courses are required to pay for and take the AP Examinations associated with their courses in May. The cost per AP Exam in 2017 was $93.00. The College Board has raised this price each year, so we anticipate this price increasing. Students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch pay a significantly reduced fee. College Credit for AP classes may be awarded based on student’s score on AP exam at the college’s discretion. 


    IB (International Baccalaureate) 

    International Baccalaureate (IB) courses offered at Yonkers Middle High School follow the curriculum of the International Baccalaureate Program.  This program offers an academically challenging curriculum emphasizing the philosophy of learning and the integration of disciplines. The IB diploma program is designed for the last two years of high school. It is supported by a curriculum beginning in grades 9 and 10 – Pre-IB. Individual tests, however, can be taken for courses completed even if the full diploma program is not completed. Exams are completed in May with all exams centrally evaluated to set criteria by international examiners.  



    College Link are courses that allow a student to earn high school and college credit simultaneously. To do this, a student must register with the college and pay tuition for that course. Tuition is generally discounted for high school students. In some cases, a student must pass a college placement test to be eligible to do this. At the conclusion of the course the student will earn both high school credit, and also–provided the student earns a C or better–college credit that may be applied either to that college or submitted for approval as transfer credit to another college. When a course is a dual enrollment course, this will be indicated in the course description. 


    CTE (Career and Technical Education) 

    Career and Technical Education (CTE) gives high school students the chance to get a head start on preparing for college and careers. In CTE programs you will learn how core school subjects like math, science and writing are used in real-life. Career and Technical Education Programs are only offered at 2 of our high schools; Saunders Trades and Technical High School and Roosevelt High School – Early College Studies.  Students are required to take a prescribed series of courses (Graduation Pathway) that prepares them to sit for required industry certification exams.   



    P-TECH (Pathway Of Technology Early College High School) 

    P-TECH enables students to begin their college and professional lives more quickly and with more support than the typical school-to-work pathway. Graduates of P-TECH have the opportunity to pursue an Associate Degree at Westchester Community College.  Students leave school with the skills and knowledge they need in order to continue their studies or step seamlessly into competitive jobs in the Information Technology (IT) industry. P-Tech programs are available at Gorton High School, Saunders Trades and Technical High School and Riverside High School. 


    NYS Seal of Biliteracy 

    The New York State Seal of Biliteracy (NYSSB) recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages, in addition to English.  The intent of the NYSSB is to encourage the study of languages; identify high school graduates with language and biliteracy skills for employers; provide universities with additional information about applicants seeking admission; prepare students with twenty-first century skills; recognize the value of foreign and native language instruction in schools; and affirm the value of diversity in a multilingual society.  In order to earn the NYS Seal of Biliteracy, students must demonstrate proficiency in English and another language based on criteria set by the NYS Education Department. 




    Course Weighting for GPA 





    Multiplier Weighting 


    Regents Courses 




    Century Honors Courses 




    Advanced Placement Courses 




    College Link Courses 




    International Baccalaureate Courses 





    The District will use a uniform grading system appropriate for elementary and secondary students. Administration shall ensure that any grading policies specific to the school, department, and/or subject/class are aligned with the District policy. Classroom teachers will evaluate students and assign grades in accordance with the District’s established system for the particular grade level. 

    Grading will be based, in part, upon student improvement, achievement, and participation in classroom discussions and activities. All marking period grades should incorporate information from a variety of different formative and summative assessments including quarterly assessments, classwork, homework, projects, performance, debate, exhibition, and/or other activities approved by the building principal. Teachers are encouraged to utilize web-based applications to assess and/or evaluate student knowledge. 

    Report cards and interim progress reports are designed to offer valuable information regarding a students’ progress throughout the school year. The Board considers such reports to be tools to facilitate dialogue between parent(s) and/or person(s) in parental relation and teachers and/or administrators regarding a student’s academic performance. Such dialogue is necessary in order to ensure the success of all District students including, but is not limited to, increasing student attendance, improving academic outcomes, and fostering college, career, and civic readiness. Parent(s) and/or person(s) in parental relation will be provided a written or electronic report card and/or interim progress report multiple times a year, according to grade level. The use of marks 


    Students in grades seven (7) through twelve (12) shall receive report cards four (4) times per year. 

    The following grading scale shall be utilized: 

    • Passing grades shall include all numerical grades ranging from sixty-five (65) through one hundred (100) in increments of one (1). 

    • Failing grades shall include all numerical grades ranging from fifty (50) through sixty-four (64) in increments of one (1). 

    • A failing grade of fifty (50) shall be the lowest grade awarded to any student in any marking period, except that a grade of forty (40) may be awarded to those students who are chronically absent as defined by the New York State Education Department if appropriate due to incomplete work or lack of class participation. 

    Final course grades: 

    • Courses that consist of four (4) marking periods shall be calculated as follows: 22.5% shall be allocated to each marking period grade; 10% shall be allocated to a final course assessment which may consist of a final exam, project, exhibition, or other assessment tool approved by the principal. 

    • Courses that consist of two (2) marking periods shall be calculated as follows: 45% shall be allocated to each marking period grade; 10% shall be allocated to a final course assessment which may consist of a final exam, project, exhibition, or other assessment tool approved by the principal. 

    Incomplete Grades 

    • A student who receives an incomplete shall be provided additional time to complete the required coursework for that marking period in accordance with the below. 

    • The student shall have until the end of the next applicable marling period to complete any missed coursework, except that if a student receives an incomplete during the terminal marking period for the course, the student shall be provided ten (10) days from the last day of that marking period to complete the work. 

    • The Superintendent of Schools and/or his/her designee may extend the above time periods, if warranted, for reasons such as, but not limited to, an extended health condition and/or illness. 

    • Once the allocated time period has elapsed, a numerical grade shall be assigned based on any coursework completed for the marking period. Consistent with the above, no student shall be awarded a grade lower than a fifty (50), except that a forty (40) may be assigned to a student who is chronically absent. 

    • Incomplete grades shall not be calculated into a student’s grade point average (“GPA”). Once a numerical grade is assigned, the student’s GPA shall be recalculated to include the assigned numerical grade. 



    Lateral changes (changing periods or teachers but remaining in the same course) are not permitted. 

    Students who are in Century Honors, AP, IB or College Link courses, especially if this is their first experience with courses at this level, are encouraged to remain for a minimum of five weeks so that they can get used to the difference in depth and pacing before deciding to leave the course.  Yonkers Public Schools is committed to providing all students with opportunities to access advanced coursework. 

    Please note all schedule changes must be completed by the last school day of September.  Schedule Changes that involve moving from and AP, IB, CH, or CL to a Regents level course must be approved by the School Counselor and the Principal in conjunction with Parent/Guardian. 


    The Secondary School Counseling Program 

    School counseling is an integral part of the academic and social emotional learning programs. The School Counseling Department, in cooperation with the learning community, assists students in developing a tool kit to prepare them for college, career, civic readiness as well as social emotional development.  In addition, the program provides for the coordination of services with a wide range of community agencies for students who are in need of, or could benefit from specialized services. 


    Career and College Planning 




    Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that enables self-discovery, career exploration, academic planning, and college preparation. South Fayette students are introduced to Naviance in 9th grade and continue to utilize the platform throughout high school. 


    Naviance is used to:  

    • Complete interest inventories that match students with relevant career information  

    • Explore colleges and major areas of study 

    • Development of Student College Portfolio including, resume, transcripts, teacher recommendations, college essay, etc. 

    • Request transcripts and letters of recommendation 

    • Search local and national scholarships 


    College Board Website 


    College Board website offers students a number of tools to prepare for PSAT/SAT and AP Exams.  The website also provides tools for students to navigate the college application process.  It also provides ample opportunities for students to research and apply for college scholarships.  College Board requests that students link their College Board profile to Khan Academy.  This allows students to engage in targeted practice based on their past test data to prepare for future PSAT/SAT Examinations.   


    The College Board website is also used by students and families to register for upcoming SAT exams, subject area exams as well as view score reports and send to colleges. 


    All high school students participate in College Board testing Day which occurs annually in early October.  Exams are administered during the school day.  There is NO COST to students and families for exams administered during College Board Testing Day.  






    Grade 9 


    8/9 PSAT 


    Grades 10/11 




    Grade 12 






    ACT College Admissions Examination 


    Information regarding the ACT Exam is available  The ACT Exam is an alternative to the SAT exam.   There are four sections and an optional writing piece.    



    Yonkers Partner in Education (YPIE) 



    Yonkers Partner in Education is a community-based program that offers Yonkers Public Schools students access to college and career readiness programs.  The Mission of YPIE is to partner with students and families to ensure they are ready for, enroll in, and complete college. 


    YPIE assists students and families to confront the challenges of a low-income, urban school district by providing families with equitable access to the critical tools and services necessary for college success. 


    YPIE deploys its resources to provide several programs and opportunities for YPS Students: 

    • High School College Centers 

    • Naviance for all High School Students 

    • YPIE College Zone  

    • Graduation Coaches 

    • YPIE Scholars 

    • YPIE Fellows 


    For more information, please visit or speak with a school counselor.