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Charles E. Gorton High School
Medical Professions Academy
Marketing Academy
100 Shonnard Place, Yonkers, NY 10703 • (914) 376-8350
School Theme: Charles E. Gorton High School provides students with the skills needed for employment as well aspreparing them for post-secondary studies and admittance to colleges or universities.
The Clinical Medical Assisting Academy engages students in Medical Professions careers such as Medical Assisting, Emergency Medical Services, Sports Medicine, and Physical Therapy. Students in the Administrative Healthcare Pathway are prepared as Office Professionals in health informatics technology, support services, medical research anddevelopment, and accounting services.
The Marketing Academy offers students with an interest in Sports, Entertainment and Social Media Marketing to focus on the skills necessary in fields of sales, customer service, first-line supervisory positions, sports marketing, social media marketing, advertising/promotion, and public relation
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Clinical Medical Assisting Pathway
The Clinical Medical Assisting Pathway is accredited by New York State’s Career and Technical Education The Clinical Medical Assisting Pathway is accredited by New York State’s Career and Technical Education Department. This pathway is designed for direct patient interaction and includes current issues in healthcare, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology and Clinical Medical Assisting. Students participate in rigorous learning experiences and real-world applications through integrated curriculum and practicum experiences in Gorton High Schools Academy of Medical Professions Medical Facility as well as with local community partners. Students have the opportunity to obtain certification in Medical Assisting, CPR/AED, phlebotomy, shadow hospital professionals, and learn various Healthcare operations.
The Introduction to Healthcare Careers supports the exploration of careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, and public health via Health Center 21, online resources and guest speakers.
- Hands-on experiences include medical microbiology, medical assisting, anatomy and physiology classes, internships and externships. Mentorships are available from multiple community partners.
- New York State CTE (Career and Technical Education) Certification in Medical Assisting. Career and Technical Education Programsof Study are offered in Accounting for Healthcare Systems, and Health Information Technology.
- Certificate Programs are available in Emergency Medical Services, (EMT-B) via Westchester Community College.
- During student-led conference, students present their academic portfolios to teachers, parents and other members of the learningcommunity.
- After completing the program, students are eligible to apply to take the Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) exam - AmericanAssociation of Medical Assistants (AAMA).
Administrative Healthcare Pathway
This Administrative Healthcare Pathway is designed for career exploration in health informatics technology, support services and medical research and development. Courses are also offered for students focused on accounting services for healthcare professionals.
- Health Informatics careers focus on maintaining patient medical records and accurately communicating the regulatory requirements of the HIPPA law.
- Students interpret medical records for billing and coding purposes, and design effective systems within healthcare.
- Other support services focus on the maintenance of equipment, housekeeping, dietetics, central supply, business (accounting),and environmental services.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Marketing Pathway
The Marketing Pathway is accredited by the New York State's Career and Technical Education Department. This pathway will focuson the exciting world of Sports, Entertainment, and Social Media marketing. The Marketing program will prepare students foremployment in various sales, customer service, first-line supervisory positions, sports marketing, social media marketing, advertising/promotion, public relations, and postsecondary education related to Contemporary Marketing. According to the FederalCareer One Stop Website Marketing Specialists occupations are projected to grow 19 percent from 2021 to 2031, faster than theaverage of all trades.
- Students will participate in hands on work-based learning experiences such as:
- Community Service - Students will market and participate in volunteer experiences that teach them responsibility, community involvement, and an awareness of the needs of others such as volunteering at o career development workshops,holiday food drives and college fairs.
- Industry Mentoring - Students are connected to volunteers from the business/industrial community that help students become aware of career opportunities and work ethics in a one-to-one relationship that goes beyond the formal obligations of a teaching or supervisory role
- Industry-Based Projects - Students create a sports marketing social media plan to help the school's athletes gain exposure to college coaches. Students will develop marketing plans to help promote and increase attendance at school events such as Open House, Haunted Hallways, and Prom Students participate in DECA competitions.
- School-Based Enterprise - The Wolves Den and Café G are School Based Enterprise run by students under the direct supervisionof a CTE instructor at the school to provide services for students, staff, and customers from the community.
Throughout their participation in the program, the students will create a digital portfolio highlighting their work that can be shared with prospective employers. The 12th grade marketing students will complete capstone projects in which they develop a product and an associated complete marketing plan and campaign. Their projects along with their digital portfolios will be presented to the advisory board at the end of their 12th-grade year. Upon completion of the program requirements, students are eligible to take the NYS approved Marketing Written Exam. Once the student passes the exam they will be awarded an Advanced Diploma with a CTE Marketing Endorsement.
Pathways In Technology Program (P-Tech Program) Health Information Technology Industry
P-TECH students will be prepared to begin careers in a range of exciting, competitive jobs in the Health Information Technology (HIT)industry. Through this program students will learn to master professional skills through work-based-learning programs via partnerships with local hospitals and industry partners. Students enrolled in the PTECH program will not only earn their high school diploma, but also earn an Associate's Degree from Westchester Community College. In addition to the Associate's Degree, student will also obtain certifications that will qualify them to begin working in the Health Information Technology field. Our program includes various trips,internships, and work-based learning opportunities to help students gain experience and employment opportunities within the healthcare field, which is one of the fastest growing and highest paying industries in the world. Credits earned through this program are transferable to any SUNY college. If you have a passion for helping others and aspire to work within healthcare fields, Gorton’s PTECHprogram is for you.
Smart Scholars Early College Program
Charles E. Gorton High School has a Smart Scholars Early College Program that offers students the opportunity to accumulate between 24 and 64 college credits while earning their high school diploma. Gorton High School teachers are approved instructors by the partnering colleges to implement rigorous dual credit high school/college material. The curriculum is designed to foster a successful high school/college experience by exposing students to rigorous and relevant, authentic learning practices. This program supports the development of the following 21st Century skills: communication, creativity, critical thinking,problem solving and collaboration. Smart Scholar students participate in networking activities which afford them the opportunity to build a deeper level of self-awareness while building passion and perseverance for long- term goals.Students visit various college campuses to provide exposure to campus life. Students have the opportunity to take duel credit high school/college courses via SUNY Farmingdale,The College of Westchester and Westchester Community College. Courses include Current Issues in Healthcare, Western Civilization I & II,World Civilization I & II, United States History I & II, Healthcare Law and Ethics, Accounting I, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Introduction to Graphic Design, Graphic Design for Majors, English I & II and Psychology.
Community Partners
This school works closely with the following agencies, institutions and colleges:
- St. John’s Riverside Hospital
- New York Presbyterian-Lawrence Hospital - Columbia University Medical Center
- Montefiore Medical Center
- Westchester Medical Center
- Specialty Orthopedics
- St. Joseph’s Medical Center
- Yonkers Partners in Education (YPIE)
- Hudson River Museum of Westchester
- Groundwork Hudson Valley
- Fordham Academic Talent Search
- Nepperhan Community Center
- Junior Achievement of New York
- Iona Liberty Partnership Program
- Gorton High School Alumni
- White Plains Hospital
- PepsiCo – NeuroMaker
- Bowery Mission Project
- Empress Emergency Medical Services
- HRH Care, Hudson River Health Care
- R.O.A.D. Program
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN)
- Mentoring In Medicine
- YPD Bricks Program
Post-Secondary Colleges and University
- SUNY Farmingdale
- College of Westchester
- Westchester Community College
- Berkley College
- Monroe College
- NYU – Mini Meds Program
- Westchester School of Medical and Dental Assisting (WSMDA)
Extended Learning Opportunities include:
- Smart Scholar College Courses
- Iona Liberty Regents Prep
- STEAM After School Academy
- Yonkers Family Practice
- The Health and Wellness Community Center
- Yonkers My Brother’s Keeper (MBK)
- Yonkers My Sister’s Keeper (MSK)
- Phlebotomy Certification Program with Westchester
- School of Medical and Dental Assisting
- Jumpstart program (College of Westchester)