


    Text Box: SText Box: TText Box: AText Box: RText Box: TText Box: EText Box: AText Box: RText Box: LText Box: YYonkers Montessori Academy


    Text Box: 5Text Box: 3Text Box: :Text Box: 7Text Box: MText Box: AGRADES PRE-K – 12

    160 Woodlawn Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10704 (914) 376-8540

    Text Box: SText Box: RText Box: EText Box: KText Box: NText Box: OText Box: YText Box: YText Box: MText Box: EText Box: DText Box: AText Box: C7:35 AM to 2:15 PM

    Text Box: EText Box: TText Box: NText Box: OText Box: MText Box: AText Box: IText Box: RText Box: OText Box: SText Box: SAcademic Admission Requirements for non-Montessori students

    School Theme: Montessori Program

    School uniforms are required for all students

    Montessori Program Grades 7-12

    • One of the few public secondary school Montessori programs in the United States
    • Nurturing environment respects the individuality of each student while challenging them to become self directed, independent learners
    • Community building activities and community service projects support the development of effective and responsibleinterpersonal and social skills • Multi-sensory, interdisciplinary approach to instruction provides opportunities for individual, group work, daily and long term assignments,peer teaching and self reflection
    • Multiage Humanities (English/Social Studies) classes in seventh and eighth grade allow for individual pacing of instruction when possible and appropriate
    • Seventh and eighth grade students, grouped in teams remain with their teachers for at least two years
    • World language program offering foreign language instruction in Spanish and Italian
    • Students have an opportunity to earn two (2) high school credits
    • Students attending the Montessori Schools 27 and 31 receive priority placement Montessori High School Program – Grades 9-12
    • Classrooms are organized into multi-level learning communities
    • Students, parents, and teachers work together in their shared commitment to education
    • Students commit to community involvement, hard work, respect for others and understanding the value of peace
    • Students participate in service learning and must complete 80 hours of community service over 4 years
    • College and Career Readiness embedded into daily curriculum
    • Spring Intersession courses are in-depth studies in particular topic or field of interest
    • Through reading and discussion, students explore the Montessori emphasis on the nobility of work and dignity of human beings
    • Classes connect to the world helping students understand personal and global interdependence
    • Field Studies take students on trips to conduct first-hand research
    • Learning projects help use the resource of the community to gather data and think critically
    • Advanced Placement and College Link courses offer high school students the ability to earn up to 21 college credits

    The Partners
    This school works with:

    • Smiley Faces
    • Junior Achievement of New York
    • Career Visions NY
    • YPIE
    • Student Assistance Services Corporation
    • US Census Bureau
    • Pace University
    •  Westchester Community College (SUNY)
    • Farmingdale State College (SUNY)
    • Mercy College
    • Arts Westchester

YMA Course Progression - Grades 7 - 12

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