“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.” —Proverb


Phone: 914.376.8540


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Tracy Degl

Welcome back to The Yonkers Montessori Academy! This year we have a lot of new faces in the 7th grade and we are excited for them to be a part of our YMA community! Please refer to your daily schedules to see your class times!  We will be using a lot of computer apps in school as well as using them at home, it is very important that you communicate with your child and help them with their homework, we are a team.  We will be leaning all four core area topics in class this year! Please sign up on the remind app on your phones so that you can reach me there. The class code is @msdegls7t 

Email me with any questions you may have! Lets gear up for a great year!

    • Login to Office 365. The login for Office 365 provides access to email, word and most importantly TEAMS.   Your login is your student 6 digit ID number followed by @yonkerspublicschools.org.

      Student Usernames - 6 digit student ID number@yonkerspublicschools.org

      example: 914914@yonkerspublicschools.org

      Your Password is your date of birth in a MMDDYYYY format. For example if your birthday is January 1, 2002 your password will be 01012002

      The login for the Powerschool Parent and Student Center is JUST your student ID (6 digit) number followed by the network password. 

      The login to Clever is the same as Office 365 just remember to select the "LDAP" login option.

      If you forget your password or need assistance with logging into an application, please email Mr. DeMatteo at ddematteo1@yonkerspublicschools.org

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  • I am available throughout the school day at tdegl@yma.ypschools.org or by phone at 914-372-8450

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  • Yonkers Montessori Academy

    Bell Schedule 


    PERIOD 1           7:35 – 8:22  

    PERIOD 2           8:25 - 9:12  

    PERIOD 3           9:15 - 10:02  

    PERIOD 4           10:06 - 10:53

    PERIOD 5           10:57 - 11:44 

    PERIOD 6           11:48 – 12:35  

    PERIOD 7           12:38 - 1:25 

    PERIOD 8           1:28  – 2:15