• Welcome Back!!

    Yonkers Montessori Academy will be using Microsoft Teams and Nearpod for virtual instruction. Please log into your PowerSchool family and student portal to view your schedule.  Use your Teams app in the MS Office 360 website to engage with your teachers.  The daily time schedule is posted by tapping the daily schedule in the menu. 

    Yonkers Student Login Information 

    • Login to Office 365. The login for Office 365 provides access to email, word and most importantly TEAMS. Your login is your student 6 digit id number followed by @yonkerspublicschools.org.

      Student Usernames - 6 digit student id number@yonkerspublicschools.org

      example: 914914@yonkerspublicschools.org

      Your Password is your Date of birth in a MMDDYYYY format. For example, if your birthday is January 1,2002, then your password will be 01012002.


      The login for the Powerschool Parent and Student Center is JUST your student ID (6 digit) number followed by the network password.


      The login to Clever is the same as Office 365 just remember to select the "LDAP" login option. 

      If you forget your password or need assistance with logging into an application, please email Mr. DeMatteo at ddematteo1@yonkerspublicschools.org

      Please follow your daily schedule and class times located in PowerSchool Family and Student Portal. It is your responsibility to attend each class period during your scheduled time. Attendance will be taken. 


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