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Hi Period 2!!
Posted by:Hi everyone. I hope you are all safe and well during this time. I miss the class and I hope you have been doing some reading, more reading, and more reading. I have assigned some work on my school page. Please read the passages and answer the questions provided. I am available for help through my e-mail edegasperis@yonkerspublicschools.org. I am expecting all of you to submit your answers through e-mail to me by the end of each day. For example, do Monday's work then submit the work to me by the end of the day.
Just a few pointers, when you log on every morning, go directly to my page and click on your period on the left hand side. So if I see you 2nd period, please click on period 2 on the left hand side of my page. That will bring you to your class assignments. Look for the correct date, click on the date and it will bring you to the readings and questions. Click on the reading link, read the passage. Then, click on the questions link, and answer the questions. Please e-mail me the answers to my e-mail or maybe we can try to submit answers here in the discussion area. Try e-mail first. We will be just fine so don't stress. Try your best and send me your answers every night. Thank you and hope to see you soon. You WILL be hearing from me.
UPDATED - 05/04/2020
We are going to use Brain Pop Jr. and Brain Pop for the 4th and final quarter of the year. Please go onto Clever.com and go to your teacher's pages. Find my page (Mr. DeGasperis). Go onto Brain Pop Jr. and find your period (If I see you 2nd period, find 2nd period assignments). Click on the assignment, watch the movie and complete the quizzes and other assignments that go with the video. If you need help please contact me. I am able to see who logs in and completes the assignments so if i see you haven't been on Brain Pop Jr. to find your assignment I will contact you to see why not.