Hoxhaj, Katarina
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For questions, please email me at khoxhaj@yonkerspublicschools.org or send a message on the REMIND APP.
ROOM 228
* SUMMER READING and ENRICHMENT 2024: CLICK HERE > Summer Enrichment
Current 1st/2nd students who are moving up to 2nd and 3rd grade: Complete the Yonkers Summer reading AND the summer enrichment (found above).
Also decorate the outside of a writer's journal. Summer reading log and decorated journal will be collected upon return to school (week of 9/9/24).
Grades 1,2,3 Work Packets ONLY IF I am absent. Download your grade appropriate work and print.

Phone: 914-376-8540 School Hours (Mon.-Fri.) 7:35am-2:15pm
Degrees and Certifications:
BS in Elementary Education Masters in Reading AMS (American Montessori Society)-Elementary Certified
Mrs. Katarina Hoxhaj
Welcome to my page! This is my 25th year teaching at Yonkers Montessori Academy and I look forward to another exciting school year!
School begins at 7:35 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m. Attendance is taken every day. Send your child to school each day with their take home folder, homework, notebooks, snack, lunch and a bottle of water. If your child's dismissal is going to be different for the day, please notify me/the school in the morning. Please try not to make dentist/doctor appointments during school hours. At home, set up a consistent space and time for the completion of homework.
9:15-9:45 each day
B DAY - Physical Education
D DAY - Enrichment
LUNCH PERIOD 11:30 - 12:30
Library (1X a week)
9 things that are important to your child's success:
1. Check your child's take home folder daily. We will be using the Remind App as a means to communicate.
2. Please make sure your child knows how to access the following INDEPENDENTLY:
Clever (access on YPS web page), Microsoft Teams (access through Clever and Office 365). PLEASE NOTE THAT EVERYTHING IS ACCESSIBLE THROUGH CLEVER UNDER OUR CLASS PAGE! See #8.
3. Homework can be found on the weekly homework sheet (first graders) and in the homework pad (second and third graders).
For Benchmark assignments & assessments- if using an iPad/tablet- you must block disable pop ups in your settings and use Chrome or Edge in the browser.
4. Complete projects/reports/activities when sent home. There will always be a due date and reminders will be communicated.
5. Enrichment:
IXL, Benchmark, First in Math, Lalilo (1st & 2nd), I-Ready
Please visit the librarian's page for awesome resources (Mrs. Westphal).
You can also find other educational platforms on Clever through your child's account.
6. Distance learning (if needed). See #8.
Microsoft Teams meetings will be held only if our class goes remote. Your child is required to attend them during their entirety. Please set up a consistent work space where your child can sit down and focus for an extended period of time that is free of distractions such as high traffic areas in your home, pets, siblings, and television.
Remote learning expectations (if needed):
Students must be present and engaged!
Do's: Login on time at 7:35, camera on the entire time, materials ready (Learn book, Practice book, Benchmark workbook, notebook, timer, headphones and tools for writing and drawing), active participation in lessons, be in a quiet area free from distractions, dress in school appropriate clothing and when you have something to share- raise your hand or select the raise hand button, be appropriate and kind during break out sessions with classmates and in the chat, eat and use the bathroom before logging in.
Don'ts: be late, leave early, eat while we are meeting (you'll have a break for that), play with siblings or toys, walk around, use the bathroom (you'll have a break for that), chat with friends in chat box during a lesson, change your background, hold up toys or other items in front of the camera, unmute yourself unless called upon by a teacher, get sidetracked by distractions, take control of the whiteboard or screen during a meeting.
7. Visit the Books tab on this page for book recommendations.
8. Your child does have an e-mail through the district, which is their 6digit ID@yonkerspublicschools.org. First, log into Clever. Then select my class page. Next check into the office.com portal (office 365). They may be prompted to enter their 6digitid@yonkerpublicschools.org. Their password is the network password they use to log into Clever which should be their birthday (example: 09/08/2000).
To find a meeting on Teams, (if needed) go in the calendar.
If you can not find your child's Team, parents can add their child's account to their phone or Outlook software from their own computer. This way the parent can see all of the emails their child receives. Also, please note some devices may need you to add the Office 365 app.
9. Communicate with Mrs. Hoxhaj. I am here to help!
Please contact Mrs. Hoxhaj using the following:
Remind APP