Welcome back!!!
Resource will begin on Monday, Septempter 21, 2020. I scheduled a meeting on MICROSOFT TEAMS and sent all of you all an invitation. Please make sure to check your email and let me know if you have any issues. I am looking forward to working with you all and seeing you om the 21st. Please make sure you log into all of your classes on time. If you experience any issues please email the teacher and copy me on your email so I am aware of any issues and can follow up. You can always email or me call me at school 914-376-8540.
Looking forward to seeing you on MICROSOFT TEAMS and having a wonderful 2020-2021 school year.
Ms. Lauren-Duchin-Ledbury
Resource Teacher
Special Education Department Liaison
Go to clever.com/in/yonkers
User name: 6 digit student id number@yonkerspublicschools.org
Password: 8 digit date of birth (ex:03192020)