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Capstone Interactive Bookshelf
Capstone Interactive Bookshelf provides unlimited access to eBooks that you can access on any device with Internet access, which allows you to read or listen online anytime, anywhere.
Click Play Book and Select one of the following options: read book page-by-page or read book all at once.
Select the Following Features from the Toolbar on the Bottom of the Screen:
*Click the “X” – to go back to the bookshelf.
*Click the Green Line – to have the toolbar disappear on the bottom of the screen.
*Page – Click on the next square to go to the next page or use the arrows to move between pages.
*Word – When the button is green, each word will be highlighted. Click the word button off and the highlighting will stop.
*Autoplay – When the button is green, the story will have audio and reads the story aloud. Click the autoplay button off to read the eBook at your own pace.
*Audio – When the button is green, the story will have audio and will read the story aloud. Click the button off and the audio will stop, so you can read the eBook at your own pace.
*Contents – Select Table of Contents, Think about the Story, About the Author, About the Illustrator, and More.
*Glossary – Read words and definitions from the eBook.
*Full Screen – To occupy the whole computer screen.