Yonkers Public Schools Graduation Rate Sustained

  • 91% of the 2017 Cohort - Class of 2021 Graduated On Time
    2% Dropout rate lower than NYS and Big 5 averages

  • (YONKERS, NY February 17, 2022) Yesterday, the New York State Education Department released the 2021 graduation data; Yonkers Public Schools sustains a 91% graduation rate. “The 2017 Cohort of the graduates and their families’ personified grit and persistence to remain focused on their diploma while coping with almost a year and a half of COVID-19. This was accomplished with the relentless commitment of Yonkers administrators and teachers,” stated Dr. Edwin M. Quezada, Superintendent of Schools. “Most significant for an urban school district is keeping our students in school as we have in Yonkers with a 2% dropout rate. These students also significantly benefit from the stackable credentials provided through the new graduation pathways, 51.5% of Yonkers graduates earned Career and Technical Education endorsed diplomas.” 

    Board of Education President Rev. Steve Lopez added, “Under the most challenging times Yonkers graduation data continues on a positive trajectory. Yonkers Class of 2021’s 91% graduation rate once again surpassed the State’s rate of 86% and is equal to Westchester County’s rate of 91%. Graduation rates are expected to fluctuate with every class. We are extremely pleased with our sustained progress over the past seven years with the outstanding work of Dr. Quezada, all of our employees, students and families.” 

    “I am continually impressed by the amazing strides our students make in their pursuit of academic achievement,” said Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano. “Despite funding challenges, Yonkers Public Schools is consistently raising the bar for urban school districts across New York State. The hard work and dedication of our Board of Education, Superintendent, administrators, teachers, students and parents is exemplified in our graduation rate, the highest of any Big 5 District – well done!” 

    The District has focused significant resources into closing the achievement gap across race, gender and sub groups including English Language Learners, Students with Disabilities and male achievement with initiatives such as Yonkers My Brother’s Keeper. 

    • Yonkers on-time graduation rate remained at 91% in 2021. 
    • The graduation rate is strong across race, gender and sub groups: 
      • 87% Black students 
      • 91% Latino students 
      • 88% Male 
      • 94% Female 
      • 87% Multi-Lingual Learners 
      • 72% Students with Disabilities 
    • Dropout rate for Yonkers is 2% for all students, half the State rate of 4% 
      • Yonkers English Language Learners dropout rate is 5% improving by 4 percentage points lower from 2020. 
      • Yonkers Students with Disabilities dropout rate is 3% improving by 2 percentage points lower from 2020. 
    • Achievement outcomes for Yonkers students receiving Regents diplomas 
      • 90% of all students earned Regents Diplomas (62%) and Regents with Advanced Designation (28%)