Yonkers Board of Education President Dr. Rosalba Del Vecchio Named Vice Chair of the Conference of Big 5 School Districts

  • The Conference of Big 5 School Districts announced that Yonkers Board of Education President Dr. Rosalba Corrado DelVecchio was appointed Vice-Chair of the advocacy organization. Ms. Tamica Barnett, President of the Syracuse Board of Education, will serve as Chair.

    DelvecchioDr. Del Vecchio is a distinguished educator with an extensive background in teaching and administration. She has served the Yonkers Public Schools as a teacher, building and central office administrator, and Director of Funded Programs. Big 5 Vice-Chairperson Del Vecchio also brings decades of higher education knowledge and experience as the Director of the Master's Degree School Leadership Programs and as an Adjunct Associate Professor at St. John's University School of Education in New York. Vice-Chairperson Del Vecchio is a former Fulbright and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow and served as Vice President of the Fulbright Association Greater New York Board. 

    "It is a privilege to serve as Vice Chairperson and collaborate with Chairperson Barnett and all our colleagues in the Conference of Big 5 School Districts," said Vice Chairperson Del Vecchio. Our collective commitment to excellence in education will drive us forward in our mission to support and empower students across New York State."

    Mayor Mike Spano appointed Dr. DelVecchio to the Board of Education in 2017. 

    The Conference of Big 5 School Districts is a membership organization representing New York State’s urban school systems including the Buffalo, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, Yonkers, Albany, Mount Vernon and Utica City School Districts. Collectively, 43% of the State’s public school children are educated in these districts.